September 11, 2001
We Will Never Forget

You Are Not Forgotten/ MIA
Community Outreach
It's not just something we do, it's who we are.
The South Side Muskie Hawks, Chapter 7 of Muskies Inc. were founded in 1966 to promote the sport of fishing for Muskies among families and individuals, young and old, of all abilities, with the purpose of improving the skill of anglers through an open exchange of ideas and methods. We don't just see ourselves as helping our communities, we're a part of these communities and they're a part of who we are, too.
We believe we have the best, most dedicated members of any fishing club out there and there's no better way to show it than in sharing how we've promoted fishing actively in our local communities. We consider it a privilege to reach out and get involved beyond our own club.
Below you'll find some examples of ways we've been proud to support many organisations. If you would like to join or club, or you're already a member, and you know of an organisation that would benefit from our members' help, let us know -- chances are you'll find other members who are just as dedicated as you are and keen to chip in and help out for a good cause. What's more, we have great fun in all the volunteer work we do, so it doesn't feel like "work" or "volunteering" at all.
Dateline:Dec.18, 2024
The South Side Muskie Hawks, Chapter 7 of Muskies Inc. Hit one out of the park!
Due to the generous nature of the Members, a donation of a Grand Slam of toys was made to The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation for the second year in a row!
The photo will show the booty that was delivered on Friday the 19th.

Dateline: December 21, 2023
South Side Muskie Hawks donate a Tugboat Load of Toys and Netted A Ton Of Cash For The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation!
This just in, Jan 05, 2024: The Treasure Chest Foundation sent us a nice thank you for our donation.

SSMH held the annual toy drive at their Christmas Party 0n Dec 20, 2023 and collected toys and cash to donate to the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation. The haul was delivered on Dec. 21, 2023 to a very grateful group that do amazing work to bring smiles to Kids with Cancer.
For more info on The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation go to their website: www.treasurechest.org
Dateline: Sept 20, 2023
Local fishing club donates a bundle of fishing equipment to the Boy Scouts of America.
The South Side Muskie Hawks Fishing Club donated 40 rod and reel combos along with a cache of other equipment to a local troop of the Boy Scouts of America on Wednesday night, Sept 20th, 2023. When asked why, the reply was "Because we can."
Troop Staff member Chauncey Niziol thanked the club for the donation of the equipment.
The photos provided will tell the story of the grateful recipients.

To the Member of the Southside Muskie Hawks
I apologize for the delay in getting this letter of thank you out to you for the donation of the fishing rods and reels that were given to the scouts at your meeting on Sept 20. The Cub and Boy Scouts that received the combos you gave them that night was a big hit. I was told by their parents that they had to go fishing with them that following Saturday and I’m sure they enjoyed it. One boy caught a small bass and said to his dad who must be a muskie angler “Dad, can we use this for bait on this fishing rod I got from the Muskie Club” his dad said there are no muskie in the lake, so he released it.
The rods and reels you cleaned, reworked, and made look like new will be at Owasippe for next year’s kids to use. Since the day I picked them up from the club meeting within two weeks I had a group of Cub Scouts use them at a unit fishing day in the forest preserves that I helped at. Then two weeks later a group of Girl Scout had a fishing outing that they asked me to help on and they were very happy that I brought all the gear for the girls to use, and every girl caught a fish. Then I was contacted by a teacher from Gurrie Middle School in LaGrange that they started a “Go Outdoors “group of 8thgraders that do many different things in the outdoor to get them to put down their phones and have fun.
I had 23 kids come out for a fishing day in November, the teachers brought their gear, and I had your donated gear, so every kid had a rod and reel to use and caught fish that day.
So, on behalf of all the kids that used the gear, myself and the scouts that will use the gear at Owasippe during next summer we all say thank you from the bottom of our hearts and our minnow buckets!!!
Chauncey's Great Outdoor Radio Program on ESPN AM 1000 a 50,000 Watt Station from Chicago
Illinois Outdoor News Network,
Inducted into the Illinois Outdoor Hall of Fame 2012
Illini Muskies Alliance Hall of Fame {as a Journalist / Media member 2022}
Email: Chaunceyn@aol.com
Facebook/Chaunceys Great Outdoors
708 826 9101 Cell / Office
If you need a response from me within 24 hours please call me
October 19, 2022
South Side Muskie Hawks donate fishing equipment to Paralyzed Veterans of America, Vaughan Chapter .
SSMH along with the family of former member Ron Rodak, made a sizeable donation to PVA of fishing equipment to be used in their many projects to assist paralyzed vets to enjoy a better way of life.
For more info on PVA go to their website: www.vaughanpva.org
The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation